Modern China - This Day in History - The first
Modern China - This Day in History - The first

2 June 1990

China's first Report on the State of the Ecology and Environment issued

Contemporary China - Today in History - Departure of 1997 Relay Long Run to Celebrate Hong Kong's Return to Beijing

1 June 1997

97 Relay Long Run to Celebrate HK's Return kicked off

Contemporary China - Today in History - The Communist Party of China Announces the Implementation of the

31 May 2021

China announced the implementation of "Three-Child Policy"

Contemporary China - Today in History - China Decides in Principle to Participate in the United Nations Peacekeeping Standby Arrangement

29 May 1997

China announces participation in UN Peacekeeping Operations

Contemporary China- On this day in history - The first subway line in Shanghai began trial operation.

28 May 1993

The first metro line in Shanghai started operation

Contemporary China - On this day - The new Shanghai University officially unveiled

27 May 1994

The new Shanghai University was formally established

Contemporary China - Today in history - Successful Trial Flight

26 May 1956

Successful test flights on the Beijing-Lhasa route

Contemporary China - Today in History - Chinese People First Summit Mount Everest

25 May 1960

The first Chinese team reaches summit of Mount Everest

Zeng Yanhong

23 May 2012

Hong Kong teacher breaks new record for fastest female ascent of Mount Everest

the fifth freedom of the air

22 May 2003

China granted fifth freedom rights to foreign airlines


21 May 2018

The Queqiao relay satellite launches into the sky

Contemporary China - Today in History - Central Government Approves the Establishment of Kashgar Economic Development Zone in Xinjiang

19 May 2010

CPG approves the establishment of Kashgar Economic Development Zone in Xinjiang

Today's China- Today in History-

18 May 1980

China successfully test launched full-range ICBM, the "Dongfeng-5"

Contemporary China-Today in History- U.S. Congress Committees Passed the Bill Granting China Permanent Normal Trade Relations Status

17 May 2000

U.S. Congress passed the bill granting China Permanent Normal Trade Relations status