Contemporary China - On This Day - Edmund Ho Hau Wah Elected as the First Chief Executive of Macau

15 May 1999

Edmund Ho Hau Wah elected as the first Chief Executive of Macao

14 May 1965

China's first successful atomic bomb aerial explosion test

Modern China - On This Day - 'Daughter of Hong Kong,' Dr. Tse Yuen-man passes away

13 May 2003

“Daughter of Hong Kong” Dr. Joanna Tse Yuen-man passes away

Modern China - On This Day - COMAC was Established in Shanghai

11 May 2008

Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China was established in Shanghai

Contemporary China - On this day - Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew's First Visit to China

10 May 1976

Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew's first visit to China

Contemporary China - Today in History - Full Commercial Operation of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station

6 May 1994

Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station was fully operational

Which Chinese city is the most attractive for foreign talents?

22 April 2015

List of China's 100 most wanted fugitives released