23 October 1992

Emperor Akihito of Japan visited China

On October 23, 1992, Emperor Akihito of Japan visited China.

Emperor Akihito was the first Japanese emperor to visit China. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the normalisation of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko were invited to visit China from October 23 to 28, 1992.

The imperial couple visited three cities, namely Beijing, Shanghai, and Xi'an, where they went to the Palace Museum, the Badaling Great Wall, and the Da Ci'en Temple in Xi'an.

In the Xi'an Stele Forest Museum, Emperor Akihito also found the origin of the Japanese era name ''Heisei'' (平成), which is ''地平天成'', a metaphor for everything being well organised.

It is worth mentioning that Emperor Akihito addressed Japan's historical invasion of China during his speech at the welcome banquet.

He referred to it as a tragic period during which the Japanese people brought deep suffering to the Chinese people, expressing his "deep sorrow".

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