Visit Zhongshan 5 attractions in one day via Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link|Route included

Editor︰Huang Yayan

In face of the opening of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, do you want to take one day trip of yourself in Zhongshan? Here are the tips for you.

There are two inter-city bus lines provided to go. The fare is very affordable, only CNY 15 to 18, and it takes about 20 to 30 minutes to Zhongshan.

At the bus terminal, there are at least five major attractions, including parks, museums, and shopping sites, available for you to enjoy in one day. All are free of charge. Let's check out the route here.

After the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, two inter-city bus lines are offered simultaneously. They are jointly operated by the Shenzhen Bus Group and the Zhongshan Public Transport Group.

The two routes are the "Zhongshan Expo Centre - Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub (North District)" line with a single fare of CNY 18, and the "Zhongshan International Talent Port - Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub (North District)" line with a fare of CNY 15.

The operation time is normally from 06:20-21:30 every day, but the first bus from Qianhai is at 7 am.

It should be noted that due to different policy and regulatory requirements between Shenzhen and Zhongshan, the inter-city buses are named separately by the two parties.

The line operated by the Shenzhen Bus Group is named "Shenzhen-Zhongshan Inter-City Customized Bus Line", and the one run by the Zhongshan Bus Group is called the "Shenzhen-Zhongshan Inter-City Bus Line".

Read More: 4 bus lines of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link available for free

There are two inter-city bus lines offered to Zhongshan via the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link
There are two inter-city bus lines offered to Zhongshan via the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link

In order to meet the needs of passengers arriving in Shenzhen who need to travel short-to-medium distances, Shenzhen has also planned two shuttle routes linking the Qianhai E-Hub with the Shenzhen Bay Checkpoint and the Coastal City commercial complex in Nanshan District.

The two routes are priced at CNY 5 and will operate from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

For Hong Kong residents, it is advised to take shuttle bus at Shenzhen Bay Checkpoint to Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub (North District), then take the inter-city bus to the Zhongshan Expo Centre. 

When getting off the "Zhongshan Expo Centre" from the bus, take a taxi to Zhongshan Qijiang Park, it takes about 15 minutes to there.

Then, it is where your trip starts!  

Qijiang Park: A beautiful park converted from an old shipyard

There are 5 attractions in Zhongshan that are very close to the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, allowing one day travel is possible. Here is famous Qijiang Park.
There are 5 attractions in Zhongshan that are very close to the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, allowing one day travel is possible. Here is Qijiang Park.
There are 5 attractions in Zhongshan that are very close to the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, allowing one day travel is possible. Here is Qijiang Park.
There are 5 attractions in Zhongshan that are very close to the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, allowing one day travel is possible. Here is Qijiang Park.
There are 5 attractions in Zhongshan that are very close to the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, allowing one day travel is possible. Here is Qijiang Park.


There are 5 attractions in Zhongshan that are very close to the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link, allowing one day travel is possible. Here is Qijiang Park.

Qijiang Park (岐江公園) is a beautiful park with a strong historical flavor, which was converted from the old site of the Guangdong Shipbuilding Factory built in the 1950s.

The park has preserved the original shipyard's railway and water tower and incorporated environmental and ecological elements and urban design.

The park retains the tracks of the old shipyard, water towers and has been artistically renovated, which adds a charming charm to the night.

The old ship that can be climbed, docked quietly on the riverside of the water, silently telling the story of the old shipyard.

In addition to the old shipyard buildings, there is also a waterfront sidewalk here, where you can see various aquatic plants and creatures at different water levels. This is also an excellent spot for taking photos.

Through ecological conservation and design, the plants in the park planted many wild species, making it an invaluable place to see wild plants in Zhongshan city area. This park is also a popular place for wedding photography.

In 2002, the park won the annual Honor Design Award from the American Association of Landscape Architects, making it the first project designed by a Chinese to have received this honor.

Zhongshan Museum of Art: The first comic museum in China   

It is the map showing how to go to Qijiang Park from Zhongshan Expo Centre, Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link.
The Zhongshan Museum of Art is located in Qijing Park
The Zhongshan Museum of Art is located in Qijing Park
The Zhongshan Museum of Art is located in Qijing Park
The Zhongshan Museum of Art is located in Qijing Park

Inside Qijiang Park, there is a row of buildings with blue-colored roofs, which is called "Zhongshan Museum of Art". This is also the first museum in Zhongshan.

The building was originally used as the Yuezhong Shipyard. In the late 1990s, it was reconstructed by Dr. Yu Kongjian, a Harvard University graduate, who renovate the building by mixing up the style of Europe aesthetics and style of post-industrial era together.

The industrial pipes fand steels outside the building are painted in contrasting blue and yellow tones, manifesting both industrial and modern aesthetics of art.

The Zhongshan Museum of Art has been collecting a variety of masterpieces of local artists, especially focus on comics, for decades. Over the years, the museum has been developed an image of exhibition on comic areas. 

It is the first themed as "comic museum" in China, hence it also named "Zhongshan Comic Museum". 

The Qijiang Bridge: The only iron bridge that can open and close  

It is the map showing how to go to Qijiang Bridge from Qijiang Park.
The Qijiang Bridge, the first bridge ever in Qijiang River, used to be the only highway bridge that across from Guangzhou to Tangjiawan and Gongbei Customs.
The Qijiang Bridge, the first bridge ever in Qijiang River, used to be the only highway bridge that across from Guangzhou to Tangjiawan and Gongbei Customs.

Walking out of Qijiang Park and going along the West Embankment Road of Shiqi River, you will reach Sunwen West Road in about 10 minutes.

Here you will find the only one iron bridge that still open and close in Guangdong Province. It is called Qijiang Bridge (岐江橋).

The Qijiang Bridge, the first bridge ever in Qijiang River, used to be the only highway bridge that across from Guangzhou to Tangjiawan and Gongbei Customs.

The construction of this bridge started as early as 1950. Initially, it was a wooden structure bridge.

Due to the need to accommodate navigation down the bridge, the middle section of the bridge could be opened and closed by human, allowing large ships across the sea.  

It wasn't until 1976 that it was changed to a steel-structured double-armed bridge that can open when necessary.

When opening, the arms of the bridge will be driven by steel wires and an engine, allowing passages at both ends across the bridge.

Decades of people waiting for the bridge to open and close become the collective memory of Zhongshan.

Now, Qijiang Bridge is also an important bridge linking two business districts of Fuhua and Walking Street, carrying Zhongshan's economy and livelihood.

You can see people by the bridge waiting for the open and close of the iron bridge, and it became one of the famous tourist spots in Zhongshan.

Xiangshan Commercial Culture Museum  

It is the map showing how to go to Xiangshan Commerical Cultural Musuem from Qijiang Bridge.
Xiangshan Commerical Cultural Musuem used to be the site of the old Shiqi Town General Chamber of Commerce in the 40's and is under the Zhongshan City Museum. It was completed and opened to public in 2006. It exhibits the history of commercial and cultural development and successful human stories of Zhongshan since late Qing Dynasty. It is the first museum ever in China which specially focus on selling the successful stories of commercial and cultural development of a city.
Xiangshan Commerical Cultural Musuem used to be the site of the old Shiqi Town General Chamber of Commerce in the 40's and is under the Zhongshan City Museum. It was completed and opened to public in 2006. It exhibits the history of commercial and cultural development and successful human stories of Zhongshan since late Qing Dynasty. It is the first museum ever in China which specially focus on selling the successful stories of commercial and cultural development of a city.

Passing through the bridge and walking along the Sunwen West Road, in just a few minutes, you can see Xiangshan Commercial Culture Museum.

The location used to be the site of the old Shiqi Town General Chamber of Commerce in the 40's and is under the Zhongshan City Museum.

It was completed and opened to public in 2006. It exhibits the history of commercial and cultural development and successful human stories of Zhongshan since late Qing Dynasty.

It is the first museum ever in China which specially focus on selling the successful stories of commercial and cultural development of a city.

Another thing you should know is that the Museum displayed China's early 4 major department stores - Sincere Company, Wing On Company, Xin Xin Company, and Da Xin Company. There are models displaying the four major department stores during the period of 20s and 30s.

There are models showing the scenes of Sincere's shoe department, Wing On Wholesale Fruit Market, the roof garden of Xin Xin Company as well as the elevator of Daxin. These companies had once dominated the department store industry in Hong Kong.

Sunwen West Road Pedestrian Street

It is the map showing how to go to Sunwen West Road Pedestrian Street.
Sunwen West Road Pedestrian Street is not only a popular shopping and dining area in Zhongshan city, but also a century-old architectural complex that combines Chinese and Western architectural styles.
Sunwen West Road Pedestrian Street is not only a popular shopping and dining area in Zhongshan city, but also a century-old architectural complex that combines Chinese and Western architectural styles.

After visiting the museum, you should definitely go for shopping on Sunwen West Road Pedestrian Street, which is just nearby of the museum.

Sunwen West Road Pedestrian Street is not only a popular shopping and dining area in Zhongshan city, but also a century-old architectural complex that combines Chinese and Western architectural styles.

Take a glance of the old churches, old customs, old post offices on the Pedestrian Street, you can feel the fusion of Chinese and Western styles in the local architecture.

You can walk and shop around here. You should be attracted by the beautiful surroundings for sure.

One more thing you can't miss is eating famous Shiqi squad. The Shiqi squab tastes very crispy, fresh and tender. It is made from 21- to 28-day-old squabs (young pigeons) after being cured and roasted. 

It is crispy outside and tender inside, with fresh and pure gravy. Tearing a Shiqi squab with hands is the best way to taste it. Let's try!  

While enjoy the great meal, remember not to miss the bus to Shenzhen via Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link.

Read More: Delicious in Zhongshan: Famous Shiqi squad  

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