High-Speed Rail Travel|Feel the charms of Changsha through 3 major attractions


Apart from Shenzhen and Guangzhou, another Chinese city has recently become a new favourite among Hong Kong people. That's Changsha in Hunan!

It only takes around 3 hours to get there by taking high-speed rail, making it perfect for a quick weekend getaway or vacation!

Besides the famous stinky tofu and popular teashop Chayan Yuese (茶顏悅色), what else is there to see in Changsha?

This article compiles three must-visit attractions in Changsha, covering both historical sites and trendy spots for all of you!

Orange Island: Offers stunning views of both banks of Changsha

The Xiangjiang River is the largest river in Hunan Province and the mother river of Changsha. It flows through the city for about 25 kilometres, forming a beautiful Changsha riverside scenic belt.

In the middle of the Xiangjiang River, there is a long island known as the famous Orange Island. Why is there an island in the middle of a river?

Actually, Orange Island was formed by the accumulation of sand and stone in the lower reaches of the Xiangjiang River. Because of its size being the largest among many sandbars, it's honoured as "China's first sandbar".


Don't underestimate this seemingly ordinary island, it actually has deep connections with Mao Zedong! When he was young, he used to study in Hunan province and often travelled across the Xiangjiang River to Orange Island with his classmates to participate in various activities.

As a result, there are many attractions related to Mao Zedong on Orange Island, such as the Questioning Heaven Platform (問天台), the Orange Island Park (橘子洲公園), and the Mao Zedong Youth Art Sculpture. It is a good place to learn about modern history and appreciate the views of both banks of Changsha.

Yuelu Academy: A thousand-year old institution of learning in Changsha

Speaking of Changsha's two famous attractions, in addition to Orange Island, there's also Yuelu Academy (嶽麓書院), located on Yuelu Mountain.

Yuelu Academy was established in the Northern Song Dynasty and is one of the "Four Great Academies of Ancient China". Recently, it is a subsidiary educational institution of Hunan University, a time-honoured institution of higher learning.


Most of the buildings in Yuelu Academy still retain the style of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The layout mostly adopts symmetrical and longitudinal multi-entry courtyard structures.

The intricately arranged buildings are connected by classical gardens, exuding a sense of antiquity and poetic charm.

In autumn times, Yuelu Mountain will be full of red maple leaves, and Aiwan Pavilion (愛晚亭) in Yuelu Academy is one of the best viewing points. The contrast between the vermilion maple leaves and the quaint Aiwan Pavilion creates a fascinating and artistic atmosphere. If you're a fan of ancient architecture and natural landscapes, you definitely won't want to miss this!

Read more: China Travel|Exploring the four great maple leaf viewing spots

Wuyi Plaza: Experience the charm of Changsha's "night brilliance" 

Although Changsha, which has a history of over 3,000 years, has a profound cultural heritage, it is also a very young and trendy city. It's a true "24/7 entertainment city", and that's what attracts Hong Kong people to visit!

Stretching from Wuyi Road in the centre of Changsha's main city to Huangxing Road, this is the busiest and most central business district in the city, also known as Wuyi Square (五一廣場).


Wuyi Square houses many popular commercial streets such as Taiping Old Street (太平老街), Pozijie Street (坡子街), Huangxing Road (黃興路), and Jiefang West Road Bar Street (解放西路酒吧街).

There also sits the Changsha International Financial Centre and other shopping centres and department stores, offering a one-stop place for shopping, leisure, entertainment, and dining. It is undoubtedly the best place to eat, drink and play in Changsha.

When you visit Wuyi Square, the excitement only increases as the night falls! Besides tasting the authentic Changsha cuisine here, you can also see the amazing street performances, visit diverse trendy shops, and grab a delicious cup of Changsha' distinctive milk tea of the brand "Chayan Yuese" when you are tired from shopping.

Come and experience the endless vitality of Changsha's nightlife!

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