
In this Privacy Policy Statement, “OHKF” means Our Hong Kong Foundation Limited and “OHKF Group” means the OHKF and the incorporations of which OHKF is a member (including but not limited to The Academy of Chinese Studies Limited, Hong Kong Chronicles Institute Limited and China Institute for Knowledge Limited).  The terms “we”, “our” and “us” mean one or more members of the OHKF Group, as the context requires.


Control of Personal Data

We respect your legal rights in connection with your Personal Data (as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486)) and are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of the Personal Data which we hold and pledge to comply with the requirements of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”).  We are also committed to ensuring that all our employees and agents uphold these obligations. 

This Privacy Policy Statement sets out our policies and practices in relation to how we protect, use and handle your personal data.  Please read the following carefully and in conjunction with the Personal Information Collection Statement provided when we collect your personal data (the “PICS”), if any.


Collection of Personal Data

From time to time and for the purpose of carrying on any of our operation or business, you may be requested to supply Personal Data to us. 

Types of Personal Data collected by us may include, but not limited to:-

  1. Your personal information and contact information such as your name, telephone number, address, email address, fax number, gender, date of birth, identity card number;
  2. Your business information such as company name and business title;
  3. Your account details, including account numbers, or user accounts;
  4. Your educational and professional background;
  5. Your image and voice, including photograph, video or audio recordings; and
  6. Such other personal information as specified in the PICS.

Supply of Personal Data to us is generally non-obligatory but failure to do so may result in us being unable to process your applications or provide you with the relevant services or features (whichever applicable).


Use of Personal Data

Your Personal Data may be used for the following purposes or other purposes which are directly-related to the following purposes:-

  1. Organizing and delivering information about events and activities;
  2. Following up and processing application or registration for events and activities;
  3. Carrying out surveys, analysis and research and collating statistical information;
  4. Facilitating and maintaining communication;
  5. Subscription of publications and newsletters;
  6. Promoting events or activities of any member of the OHKF Group, such as sending you annual reports, newsletters, information or materials regarding activities and events organised or arranged by us;
  7. Recruitment and human resource management purposes;
  8. Following up and handling complaints and enquiries;
  9. Making such disclosures as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations; and
  10. Such other purposes as specified in the PICS.



If you are a minor (aged under 18), you must ask your parents or guardian before providing any personal data to us. Guardian here means the person who has parental responsibility for the Minor under the meaning of "Relevant Person" as defined in Section 2 of the Ordinance.


Direct Marketing 

Occasionally, your Personal Data such as your name, phone number, your correspondence address and email address, held by a member of the OHKF Group may be used by such member or other members of the OHKF Group in direct marketing for sending you marketing or promotional communications containing news and/or promotions about events or activities organised or arranged by us.  We may not use your Personal Data or provide your Personal Data to other persons for use in direct marketing unless we have firstly obtained your consent (which includes not indicating an objection) to any intended use or provision.

You can always opt-out from receiving such marketing or promotional communications free-of-charge by contacting our Data Protection Officer (whose contact details can be found below).  We must, without charge to you, (1) cease to use your Personal Data in direct marketing, (2) cease to provide to other members of the OHKF Group your Personal Data for use in direct marketing; and/or (3) notify other members of the OHKF Group to cease to use your Personal Data in direct marketing, if you so require.



Mailing Lists

If you provide your e-mail address, we may periodically contact you with our updated information and newsletters.  Any e-mails sent to you by us offer you the option to be removed from the e-mail mailing list.  (See the ‘Access to and Correction of Personal Data’ section)


Use of Cookies

By using our Websites, you agree that we can store and access cookies, IP address and use other methods in order to collect website usage data and improve your on-line experience.

A cookie is a small account of data created in a computer when a person visits a website on a computer.  It often includes an anonymous unique identifier.  A cookie can be used to identify a computer.  It, however, is not used to collect any personal information.  In other words, it does not have the function of identifying an individual user of the website.

We use cookies on our Websites to track visitor preferences.  These cookies allow the Websites to remember information that changes the way the Websites behave or look, such as your preferred language.  You may refuse to accept cookies by altering the settings on your internet browser but it should be noted that if you choose not to permit cookies, some areas of the Websites may not function properly.


Transfer of Personal Data 

The Personal Data provided by you herein will be kept confidential but may be made available, on a need-to-know basis, to the following parties as necessary for any of the purposes stated in the ‘Use of Personal Data’ section above:

  • any member of the OHKF Group, our employees and the operating units operated by us;
  • any agent, contractor or third-party service provider who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer, information technology, payment or other services to us in connection with its operation;
  • any person, government, regulatory or law enforcement authority or administrative organization to whom we are required by law or the court to disclose or transfer your Personal Data;
  • any person under a duty of confidentiality to us, including our accountants, legal advisers or other professional advisers; and
  • Such other parties as specified in the PICS.



Links to Third Party Websites 

Our Websites may contain links to other sites and pages which are operated by third parties.  We have no control over the content of the linked websites or the way in which the operators of those websites deal with your Personal Data.  You should review the privacy policy for those third party websites to understand the ways in which your Personal Data may be used by those third parties.


Data Retention

Our policy is to retain Personal Data for no longer than is required to fulfil the purposes (or any directly related purposes) for which the data was collected or to be used, subject to legal, statutory and regulatory requirements mandating the retention of data, after which the Personal Data will be erased or destroyed without further notice to you.


Changes to the Privacy Policy Statement

We may change this Privacy Policy Statement from time to time.  We encourage you to check this Privacy Policy Statement occasionally to ensure that you are aware of the most recent version. 


Access to and Correction of Personal Data

You are entitled to request access to the Personal Data held by us about you and to correct and erase such data in accordance with the provision of the Ordinance.  We may charge a reasonable fee for the processing of such data access request.

We will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections to or erasing your Personal Data to protect your privacy and identity.

Request for access, correction and/or erasure of your Personal Data, as well as withdrawal of consent, where applicable, should be made to our Data Protection Officer by sending an email to or writing to the following address:-


Data Protection Officer

The OHKF Group


19/F Nan Fung Tower,

88 Connaught Road Central,

Hong Kong


This Privacy Policy Statement has been translated into Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.


This version was last updated in July 2021.















  1. 閣下的個人資料及聯絡資料,如姓名、電話號碼、地址、電郵地址、傳真號碼、性別、出生日期、身份證號碼;
  2. 閣下的商業資料,如公司的名稱及職銜;
  3. 閣下的帳戶資料,包括帳戶號碼或用戶帳號;
  4. 閣下的教育及職業背景;
  5. 閣下的影像和聲音,包括相片、錄像和錄音;及
  6. 按《收集個人資料聲明》訂明的其他個人資料。






  1. 組織活動與項目及為此而傳達有關資訊;
  2. 跟進及處理參與活動與項目的申請和登記;
  3. 進行調查、分析及研究並蒐集統計資料;
  4. 促進和維持聯絡;
  5. 訂閱刊物和通訊;
  6. 推廣團結香港基金團體任何成員的活動與項目,例如向閣下發送年報、有關由我們舉辦或安排的活動與項目的通訊或資料;
  7. 作為招聘和人力資源管理的用途;
  8. 跟進及處理投訴及查詢;
  9. 根據適用法律、規則及規例所作的披露;及
  10. 按《收集個人資料聲明》訂明的其他用途。




倘若閣下並未成年(18 歲以下人士),向我們提供任何個人資料前,必須先徵求 閣下之家長或監護人之同意。監護人在此是指根據條例第 2 條就「有關人士」所界定對未成年人士負有父母親責任的人士。



















  • 團結香港基金團體的成員、我們的僱員及由我們經營的營運部門;
  • 就我們的運作向我們提供行政、電訊、電腦、資訊科技、支付或其他服務的任何代理、承辦商或第三方服務供應商;
  • 因應法例規定或法庭的命令,向任何人士、政府、監管或執法機關或行政機構披露或轉移閣下的個人資料;
  • 任何對我們有保密責任的人士,包括我們的核數師、法律顧問或其他專業顧問;及
  • 按《收集個人資料聲明》訂明的其他人士。


















如有任何查閱、更正和刪除閣下的個人資料的要求,以及撤回同意的要求(如適用),可發送電郵至 或致函以下地址與我們的資料保障主任連絡:-











本網站使用Cookies來改善您的瀏覽體驗, 請確定您同意及接受我們的私隱政策才繼續瀏覽。