Visit Xichong in Shenzhen to experience the stunning light show of fireflies

Editor︰Huang Yayan

In May, the weather is getting humid and hot. When we visit Shenzhen, don't just head for the malls, as it is high time to see fireflies at Xichong in Shenzhen. You can see this wonderful natural spectacle there, for sure!

But, how can we get close to the fireflies? And how can we capture the thousands of synchronous fireflies in a picture? Here are the tips!

Xichong: Paradise of fireflies in Shenzhen


During May to July each year, you can easily capture such wonderful scenery of fireflies in Xichong. (Image source: Shenzhen Daily)
The places around Shenzhen Observatory is a paradise for fireflies. (Image Source: Xichong International Dark Sky Community)
From May to July, it is time for Xichong fireflies roaming in Xichong. (Image Source: Xichong International Dark Sky Community)
What do you think if you are surrounded by such beautiful scenery? (Image Source: Xichong International Dark Sky Community)
Fireflies lives on clear and humid areas like places near rivers and forest. (Image Source: Xichong International Dark Sky Community)
To capture the fireflies, a tripod is necessary, along with an aperture of 1.8 and above, to seize nature's most beautiful moment. (Image Source: Shenzhen Press)


Fireflies often appear in moist bushes, so be careful of snakes when watching them. (Image Source: Shenzhen Press)
Keep shutter speed long for tracing firefly paths. (Image Source: Shenzhen Press)


When fireflies appear, refrain yourself from shouting or attempting to catch them, as this might frighten them away.

Tips for capturing fireflies: Keep "steady" and "quiet'

Whether you're new to photography or keen to master the art of capturing fireflies, we've packed this with tips and tricks to help you get that stunning shot.

When photographing fireflies in a dark environment, no matter what professional cameras or digital phones you are using, you are advised to use a tripod to stabilize and reduce vibration, and it is your foundation for clear, blur-free shots. Fast shutter speed for long exposure is a must for a desirable effect.

Moreover, Use wide angles lenses can help to catch broad lightning streaks, macro lens for intimate firefly details. 

When shooting, try to adjust the camera to an aperture-priority mode, with lower numbers of 1.8 or above for adapt for lightning's brightness. Keep shutter speed long for tracing firefly paths. For lighting, bulb mode is often the best, allowing you to time shots with strikes.

After years of efforts, Xichong in Shenzhen was finally awarded the international dark sky community in May last year. This year is the first explosion period of fireflies after the certification.

If you plan to outdoor activities, don't miss the chance!

Guide to view fireflies in Xichong, Shenzhen:

Location: Xichong Dark-Sky Community, Longgang District, Shenzhen 

Transport: Take bus E11 to Nan'ao Moon Bay bus stop, then transfer to bus M232 bus to Houdun Village bus stop. You can reach the destination on foot.

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